Working together towards a brighter future

Our goal is to give those who arrived from war-torn countries seeking a safe home increased new Australians eager to have a safe home the opportunity to develop a friendship with established Australians.

What We Do?

Monthly Picnics

We organise monthly picnics for refugees and asylum seekers from all over the world, meeting at the Atherton Gardens in Melbourne

About Us

We are strong believers in the power of community and bringing everyone along with us to permanently change policies towards people seeking asylum.

Our role is to connect and collaborate with people, regardless of culture or background, creating shared empathy with everyone and growing as a community.

We seek to unconditionally add value to others so we can touch their hearts and minds.

We do this through a whole range of activities and by developing skills in proven community building methodologies.

Ready to work
with us?





This program been so much help to both parents and children, I thank you so much for coming out with it and bringing my beautiful community together. My favourite part is how I’ve met beautiful parents from different countries and religions, building friendships
with them and giving my kids confidence to become friends with people and kids from
different countries, different areas and different religions.


Land of Welcome picnics are filled with joyful, relaxing and heartwarming moments. Apart from the classic sausage sizzle, I am also touched by Lambatah and other Atherton Garden locals' willingness to share, as they generously bring in various traditional dishes.

The relaxed conversations shed light to Atherton Garden locals' daily life. Through LOW picnics, one sees empathy, generosity and friendliness among all ethnicities.


I have been to several Land of Welcome picnics and I enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the occasions and the way the ‘newly arrived Australians’ relate to us as friends.

At one of the picnics I had been playing games with the children and an Afghani boy asked me to sit with him for a minute. He thanked me for playing with him and his younger brother. I told him that it was also my pleasure to have fun with them.

Let’s Get in Touch

Contact Us

We operate in:

Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart

Monthly meetings in Atherton Gardens

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